I provide

Professional solutions, specialized in, but not limited to, the fintech industry. Solutions for fund & asset management, banking, client onboarding, and data visualization. Wherever you need computed data moving around and making sense to an end user. System integration, process automation, data handling, programming, business analysis. In Finnish, Swedish, English, and German.


Fundox Ltd.
Finnish Business ID: 2328679-3

Ville Lundberg

Inquiries: info⊕fundox.fi
Customer support: support⊕fundox.fi
Phone: 040 703 7110 

Customer-specific solutions


Do you need data moving around and making sense to an end user? Too much data in that outdated Excel file Steve made four years ago, and Steve is not on the payroll anymore and can’t help you?

In today’s world we collect a huge amount of data, but when it’s time to take full advantage of it, we skimp on the solutions which would make the data actually work for us. Now you finally convinced the boss to start a project. You can hire me to assist you.

The domain of the data is not relevant – it can be financial data, user data, sensor data, or perhaps there is no computer-stored data yet for your more abstract domain. In that case we can analyze ways of collecting it, storing it, analyze it, represent it.

The data representation can be done in various ways. Web services, traditional reports, or perhaps interactively in a 3D computer world.



Reportfolio is an equity portfolio management software, provided as an in-browser service, for the reporting needs of portfolio management. It’s focus is small- and mid-sized fund & asset management companies in the Finnish market.

Reportfolio is available as a service with a yearly recurring license fee starting from EUR 1999 / year.


Tarvitseeko sinun varainhoitoyrityksesi helpotusta salkunhallintaan? Reportfolio on varainhoito-ohjelmisto jolla niin salkun hoitaja, omistaja, kuin backoffice-työntekijä voi hallita sijoitussalkkuja. Hoida raportointi asiakkaalle, sisäisesti ja verottajalle kätevästi suoraan selaimen kautta.

Reportfolio on saatavilla palveluna vuosittaista lisenssiä vastaan. Lisenssi alkaen EUR 1999 / vuosi.


Förvaltar du förmögenhet? Vare det sig din egen, företagets eller kundernas aktieportfölj, med Reportfolio kan du sköta rapporteringen till kunden, internt och till skattemyndigheterna.

Reportfolio finns till förfogande som en webbtjänst för ett årligt licenspris. Licenser från EUR 1999 / år.



Repdf is a PDF generating tool, which can be used to produce various prints in the PDF format, based on templates. For example coupons and gift cards for web commerce, tickets for venues, invoices, reports, contracts – anything where you would like to have dynamic content put in a specific format, in a specific place, on a PDF document. The tool can be used via an customized web UI for your specific case, or via an API for automating PDF generation for e.g. web shops.

Repdf is available as a service with a yearly recurring license fee starting from EUR 99 / year.


Repdf-ohjelmalla voit luoda PDF-tiedostoja joko web-liittymän tai ohjelmointirajapinnan kautta. Käyttökohteet ovat esimerkiksi lahjakortit ja kupongit nettikaupoille, liput, laskut, raportit, sopimukset – oikeastaan mitkä kohteet tahansa, joihin haluat tuottaa PDF-tiedostoja perustuen haluaamasi valmiiseen pohjaan.

Repdf on saatavilla palveluna vuosittaista lisenssiä vastaan. Lisenssi alkaen EUR 99 / vuosi.


Med Repdf kan du producera PDF-filer baserat på dina egna dokumentmallar. Till exempel presentkort och kuponger för nätbutiker, biljetter, fakturor, rapporter, kontrakt. Programmet kan användas via webben med specifikt användargränssnitt för ditt behov, eller automatiserat via ett programmeringsgränssnitt.

Repdf finns till förfogande som en webbtjänst för ett årligt licenspris. Licenser från EUR 99 / år.